
Environmental Management System

Environmental Management System

An Environmental Management System (EMS) provides a framework for assessing the impacts on the environment, for setting and reviewing goals and targets to reduce those impacts, for monitoring environment management performance and for communicating the outcomes.

Perisher's EMS was developed with expert assistance and having regard to the EMS developed by the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) for the Perisher Range Resorts. Perisher's EMS is consistent with the requirements of ISO 14001, being the international EMS quality standard and is subject to audit by the NPWS. Perisher's Environmental Team maintains a focus on ensuring the practical
implementation, maintenance and development of the EMS.

The two key goals of Perisher's EMS are to

  1. identify and minimise any harmful effects on the environment caused by Perisher’s operations; and,
  2. to continually improve Perisher's environmental management performance.

Each year, reporting is provided to the NPWS, which outlines a broad summary of Perisher’s environmental performance. Perisher;

  • regularly reviews operational activities to ensure all impacts on the environment are recorded, assessed and that effective environmental risk controls are in place;
  • sets annual, measurable targets for reducing Perisher’s impact on the environment and closely monitoring progress towards achieving these targets;
  • adopts ideas and suggestions raised by staff, guests, stakeholders and the community, and;
  • regularly reviews EMS responsibilities, accountabilities, policies and procedures to ensure they are appropriate and effective.

Staff involvement and EMS awareness

For an EMS to be successful a commitment is required from all staff within the organisation. Permanent and seasonal staff undergo EMS awareness refresher training each year. The training focuses on a range of issues, including identifying endangered and threatened species, outlining the causes of climate change and the impacts of energy use. Additionally the training educates staff of commitments to renewable energy, emphasises the importance of protecting creeks and streams from pollution, details how staff may contribute to recycling programs and provides practical examples to staff of the actions they can take to minimise environmental impacts.

Perisher’s Safety and Environmental Management Systems have been combined where possible, to create a single resource for staff wanting to access documents and information. The 'Safety and Environment Management System’ (SEMS) is available to staff through the SEMS home page on Perisher's intranet site, as well as the internal server network. The 'environment page' on the intranet site is regularly updated allowing staff ready access to documents, tools, policy and procedures, as well as access to a range of useful environmental information and resources. Importantly, Perisher has a document controller who ensures effective version control and updating of content and documents.


(read on Energy Use & Climate Change...)

Resort Info