
Skitube Timetable

18206 PSR L1 SkitubeWebsiteTimetable 1322x218 Apr23


Skitube Timetable

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Bullocks Flat to Perisher Valley 
Please be aware that luggage restrictions apply to green shaded services 7 days / week.
3:00pm 4:28pm 6:00pm 10:00pm
3:22pm 4:50pm 7:00pm
3:44pm 5:12pm 8:00pm
4:06pm 5:34pm 9:00pm
Perisher Valley to Blue Cow 
2:43pm 4:21pm 5:53pm ^9:11pm
3:15pm 4:43pm ^6:13pm
3:37pm 5:05pm ^7:11pm
3:59pm 5:27pm ^8:11pm
Blue Cow to Perisher Valley 
3:05pm 4:33pm ^6:01pm ^9:24pm
3:27pm 4:55pm ^6:24pm
3:49pm 5:17pm ^7:24pm
4:11pm 5:39pm ^8:24pm
Perisher Valley to Bullocks Flat 
Please be aware that luggage restrictions apply to green shaded services 7 days / week.
2:42pm 4:20pm 5:52pm 8:32pm
3:14pm 4:42pm 6:12pm 9:32pm
3:36pm 5:04pm 6:32pm 10:32pm
3:58pm 5:26pm 7:32pm

*Please note the last train service uphill from Bullocks Flat to Perisher departs at 10:00pm Fri, Sat, Sun, Tue and 8:00pm Mon, Wed, Thu.

**The last train service downhill from Perisher to Bullocks Flat departs at 10:32pm Fri, Sat, Sun, Tue and 8:32pm Mon, Wed, Thu.

^ Services - Only available for Perisher employees.

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